Dan Piroutek, Auctioneer
20308 Milesville Rd
Milesville SD 57553
Office or fax: 605-544-3316
Dan's Cell: 605-685-4556

The auction method has proven to be one of the best methods to get the most money for your personal property and real estate. With our proven method of proper preparation and promotion, we can make your auction the very best. At the end of the day, we believe that our auction service can increase that final check in your pocket. We give personal attention to each auction we conduct, and are available every step of the way as you prepare for your personal property or real estate auction.

BS degree in Animal Science at South Dakota State University ~ 1976
Superior School of Auctioneering, Decatur, IL ~ 1977
SD Real Estate License # 282
31 years of experience
Dear Dan & Gayla,
We want to thank you so much for the success of our sale. At first I thought it was impossible, but with many friends’ help and your good organization it went great. We were happy with all of it. When people would ask who we got and I would tell them, they would say, “you have the best” and we agree. You really know your business.
Verna, Tom & Joni
Contact Us
We welcome comments of all kinds, and we would like the opportunity to answer your questions.

If you are thinking about having an auction, please contact us right away. We can look at your personal property or real estate and help you choose the best date for your sale. A good auction takes preparation. We have a step-by-step plan to organize and advertise your sale. We look forward to meeting with you.