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CLICK HERE to Find Auction Company by Location

Participating Auction Services
(Auction Companies are listed in alphabetical order,
please click on the appropriate letter for listings)

Auctioneers A-G

Auctioneers H-O

Auctioneers P-Z

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) = Current sales posted     redlight.gif (87 bytes) = No current sales posted

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Hager Auction, LLC
Barry J. Hager - Ellsworth, WI
Tim Prusak - Clayton, WI

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Hansen & Young Auction, Inc.
Roger Hansen
- Prairie Farm, WI
Barry Hansen
- Prairie Farm, WI

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Hansen Auction Group
Downing, WI

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Hanson Auctioneers
Jerome Hanson - Hoffman, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Haugland's Action Auction
Butch, Diane, Amber & Drew Haugland
- Ambrose, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Heidelberger Farm Equipment, LLC
Pine City, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Helbling Auctioneers, Inc.
Bob Helbling, Jr.
- Kindred, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Henry Auction Services
Brandon Henry
- Foley MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Hiatt Knudson Auctions LLC
Rod Hiatt
- Bottineau, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Hines Auction Service, Inc.
Jeff Hines
- Ellsworth, WI

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Houghton's Auction Service
Todd Houghton
- Red Wing, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) HRF Consignment Auction
Sam Hanson / Tim Rice / Brandon Fisher
- Sisseton, SD

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Hughes Real Estate and Auction Service
Jesse Hughes
- Danvers, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Integrity Auctioneers
Ben Stiegelmeier - Harvey, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Janzen Auctioneers, Inc.
Bob Janzen - Aitkin, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Jay Anderson Auction
Jay Anderson
- Wabasha, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Johannes Auction Service
Rodney Johannes
- Eden Valley, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) JJ's Auction Service
Jim Jorgenson
- North Branch, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Jokela Auctions, Inc.
E. Randy Jokela
- Park Rapids, MN
Jolene Jokela-Veo
- Park Rapids, MN
David L. Veo
- Park Rapids, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes)
Maple Plain, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Kastet Auction Service
Dennis Kastet
- Ypsilanti, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Kerkhoff Auction & Real Estate
Doug Kerkhoff
- Redwood Falls, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Lampi Auctioneers
Tom, Mark & Trent Lampi
- Annandale, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Land Services Unlimited
Fairmont, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) LB Sales LLC
Tim Newell
- Center City. MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Lundeen Auction & Appraisers Inc.
Derek Lundeen
- Cokato MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Luther Auctions
Tracy Luther
- North St. Paul, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Mages Land Company & Auction Service LLC
Larry Mages
- Winthrop, MN
Matt Mages
- New Ulm, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Maring Auction Co LLC
Matt & Kevin Maring
- Kenyon, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) McLaughlin Auctioneers
Jim & Dave McLaughlin - Dilworth, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) McMullen Auctioneers
Joe McMullen
- Thief River Falls, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Meagher Auctioneers
Mike Meagher - Paynesville, MN
John Meagher - St. Joseph, MN
Andy Meagher - Paynesville, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Mid-American Auction Co.
Col. Al Wessel - Sauk Centre, MN
Kevin Winter - Sauk Centre, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Miller's Antiques & Auction Co.
Glenn Miller, Jr.
- Hixton, WI

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Mitchell-Pryzbilla Auction Co.
Dean Mitchell - Albany, MN

Joe Przybilla - Royalton, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) MNauction
Shareif Eisa
- Winsted, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Mohs Auctions
Bill Mohs - Brainerd, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Duane Mulder Auction & Realty
Duane Mulder
- Luverne, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Nikolaisen Land Company
Tom & Amy Nikolaisen
- Cando, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Northern Auction Inc.
Clint Beeter
- Minot, ND
Kevin Beeter - Minot, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Oberfoell Auction & Realty
Don Oberfoell - Mt. Iron, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Oberman Auctions, Inc.
Steve Oberman
- St. Cloud, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Orr Auctioneers
Troy Orr
- Ypsilanti, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Ostby Auctioneering
Derek Ostby
- New Effington, SD

Auctioneers A-G

Auctioneers H-O

Auctioneers P-Z

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