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CLICK HERE to Find Auction Company by Location

Participating Auction Services
(Auction Companies are listed in alphabetical order,
please click on the appropriate letter for listings)

Auctioneers A-G

Auctioneers H-O

Auctioneers P-Z

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) = Current sales posted     redlight.gif (87 bytes) = No current sales posted

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Parkman Auctioneers
Todd Parkman
- Hope, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Paul's Auction Service
Paul Strunge
- Ogilvie, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Perala Bros. Auctioneers
Col. Dean Perala
- New York Mills, MN
Col. Mickey Perala - New York Mills, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) James Peterson Co.
James Peterson
- Edina, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Pifer’s Auction & Realty
Kevin D. Pifer
- Fargo, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Piroutek Auction Service
Dan Piroutek
- Milesville, SD

greenlight.gif (87 bytes)
Al Elsenpeter - Monticello, MN
Paul Elsenpeter - Monticello, MN
Mandy Elsenpeter - Monticello, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Prins Auction Service
Steve Prins
- Worthington, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Mick Rapacz Auctioneers
Mick Rapacz - Argyle, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Reinhardt Auction Service
Steve & Carol Reinhardt
- Palisade, MN

Kaija Kokesh

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Resource Auction
Dennis Biliske
- Grand Forks, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Reuer Auctions
Lonny Reuer
– Jamestown, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Rezac Auction Co.
Don Rezac
- Breckenridge, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Jason Rominski Auctioneers & Appraisals
Jason Rominski
- Strandquist, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Schultz Auctioneers
Mike Schultz - Upsala, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Schuster Auctioneering
Scott Schuster
- Grand Forks, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Siemers Auctioneers
Mitchell Siemers - Milaca, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Keith Sharer Auction Service
Keith Sharer
- Cold Spring, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Smith Auctions
Baldwin, WI

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Smith's Auction
Steve Smith
- Stanchfield, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Sundsbak Auctions LLC
Darrell Sundsbak
- Minot, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Chuck Sutton Auctioneer
Chuck Sutton
- Sioux Falls, SD

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Swanson Auction & Realty LLC
Kevin Swanson
- Ivanhoe, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Larry Swenson Auctioneers
Larry Swenson
- Cando, ND

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Timmermans Auction Service
Alvie Timmermans
- New Holland, SD
Nathan Timmermans - Brandon, SD

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Trantina Auction Service
Col. Walter Trantina
- Browerville, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Tri-County Auction Company, LLC
Mitch Barthel
- Perham, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Trocke Auctioneers, LLC
Peter J. Trocke & Associates
- St. Peter, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Twin Pines Auction Service
Lee Ann Vande Kamp
- Forest Lake, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) VanDerBrink Auctions
Yvette VanDerBrink
- Hardwick, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) John Villiard Auction Service
John Villiard
- Moorhead, MN

Gary Villiard - Lake Park, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Vold Auctioneers & Realty
Bill Jensen
- Britton, SD

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Westby Realty & Auction Co.
Rod & Lois Westby - Rosholt, SD

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Weishaar Auction Service
Scott Weishaar

Sentinel Butte, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Wieman Land & Auction Co., Inc.
Gary, Rich, Kevin, Mike & Ryan Wieman
- Marion, SD

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Winter Auction Service
Dan Winter
- Paynesville, MN

redlight.gif (87 bytes) Wolff Auctioneers
Shane Wolff
- Golden Valley, ND

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Zielsdorf Auctions & Real Estate
Bob Zielsdorf
- Benson, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Ziemer / Hilbrands Auctions
Mark Ziemer
- New London, MN
Terry Hilbrands - Clara City, MN

greenlight.gif (87 bytes) Zomer Company
Mark Zomer
- Rock Valley, IA
Darrell Vande Vegte
- Rock Valley, IA

Auctioneers A-G

Auctioneers H-O

Auctioneers P-Z

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Midwest Auctionsbottom-line2.gif (75 bytes)Searchbottom-line2.gif (75 bytes)bottom-tips.gif (351 bytes)bottom-line2.gif (75 bytes)bottom-contact.gif (773 bytes)bottom-line2.gif (75 bytes)Auction Calendar
